Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Installing the Adsense Search Box Under Post

Most people install the search box of Google Adsense on the blog’s sidebar. But according to my experience, install the search box on the results is less than the maximum, both at the top of the sidebar especially on the bottom. So that maximum results more, try installing on the bottom of the blog posts so that our visitors more easily find the search box from Google’s Adsense. As for how this can be seen below.
1. Login in to our Google Adsense account and install it Adsense code to search. Select the appropriate language with the language used on our blog.
2. Once completed all the copy and paste the script into the pad editor that we have. We can use the notepad default Microsoft Windows XP or use the editor of the other party. For example use PHP Designer that I post here etc…
3. Parse the script. What the parse? Well, it parses the tags. For example tags < replaced with &lt;, > replaced with &gt;, " replaced with &quot; & replaced with &amp; onwards. We can parse it manually, but certainly very busy. So to make it more easy, just use parse tool here. How, copy all script from Google Adsense earlier in the box and paste it into the box available continuously click Parse. Copy all the script after it’s.
4. As usual, login into our blogger account and heading Layout | Edit HTML. Give the check on Expand template widget, and then find the code below.
5. If you have found, paste the Adsense script that has been be parsed right under the code <p><data:post.body/></p>
 Tips! If we have to use the read more script, then the code is two. Right only the Adsense code under the code <p><data:post.body/></p> the first / top.
6. The last click Save and see the results.
Then, if we want to install the Adsense for Content script under the same post, follow the steps above to stay earlier.  Goodbye in next article …


  1. thanks for ur tips.. i will try that..

    this is my blog..

  2. oh... thaks 4 ur info..

  3. knp ya akun saya yg http://myloading.blogspot.com msh belum diterima google adsense.. padahal sudah pke bhs inggris..?
    apakah bs sy copy paste scrift dr akun yg satunya yg sdhditerima google..

  4. Terima kasih atas kunjungan n komentarnya,

    punya satu akun saja sudah cukup mas, karena script adsense bisa dipasang disemua blog yg kita miliki, tentu blognya mesti memenuhi persyaratan yg sudah ditentukan oleh adsense


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